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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Autumn morning.

IMG_0505.JPG, originally uploaded by matthewcertain.

Happy Saturday morning everyone. We're off to Matthew poole's birthday party, then taking it easy the rest of the day. The Dawgs are off this weekend and it's the weekend before the thanksgiving holiday, so enjoy your saturday!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy SIX MONTHS, my precious Margaret Virginia!

From May 13 at 12.30 PM until now, November 13 - we have forever been blessed by God giving us the sweet blessing of our second daughter.  I am SO thankful for this tiny (yet CHUNKY!) little angel bear.  Margaret is the absolute light of our lives. A sweet, sweet, sweet little baby who smiles and opens her mouth so wide with a toothless little smile all day long, no exaggeration.  She is just so happy.  I don't deserve her! I don't deserve either of my baby girls, but I sure am happy that God thinks I do.
Margaret is doing so great!!  She sleeps well, she eats well, she laughs at her big sister ALL DAY LONG. Libby knows how to make her smile and laugh and tries to do things all the time that will get a giggle, and Margaret has a big, loud laugh.  Girl has some lungs on her!  I just love love love her.  It's crazy how much!  She and Libby are my two most favorite things in the entire world.  We have such a good time together.  I've been so sick for the past month, it seems....laryngitis, allergies, sinuses, and bronchitis.  I feel terrible but as you Moms know, we aren't allowed to get sick!  Libby and Margaret are definitely keeping me BUSY that is for sure, but I LOVE it and wouldn't change a single thing.

At six months, Margaret is sitting up pretty well by herself, she still does the weeble wobble thing after a little bit and kind of clunks over to the side.  She is grasping things, holding onto things, laughing, cooing, saying Mama (ha just kidding, we have had no words yet), smiling all the time, laughing at her big sister and her crazy parents, and just being a pure delight.  We marvel at her accomplishments and her precious personality every day, whoever said the second child doesn't get as much attention as the first obviously did not have us as parents, because we are all over Mags and Libs all day long. :)

She crosses her little hands when she's asleep, she loves bathtime, LOVES it...when she realizes it's that time of day she gets so excited and starts kicking her little feet and shaking her hands.  She started waving last week!  She kind of puts her hand up and then very quickly puts it down, adorable.  She loves her exercauser and plays very well when she's in there when I'm cooking or doing something.  We play in the floor alot, and as you can tell from the video with the duck, sometimes that goes well, and other times we are trying to get toys for her to play with that Libby doesn't have some attachment to, hahaha.  Libby is a wonderful big sister and she really takes care of baby sissy.  She calls her Sissy, not sure if she knows it's Margaret or not, but she always calls her Sissy, so I am thinking the name will stick much as it did with my two sisters and I.  Libby loves her so much and I am SO thankful that they will have each other forever.

Happy Birthday my precious Margaret.  I love you more than any words could ever, ever show you.  Your beautiful countenance makes my heart proud and I love you and Libby with all of my heart and more.  Happy SIX MONTHS!  Time can slow down, please!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Libby got some work done today while we went to IKEA.

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Welcome home, Garrison!

We had the chance to eat with Garrison today while he was home. He heads to Texas soon.