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Monday, October 18, 2010

Go Dawgs!

helen holding turner and uncle jeff holding margaret


uncle jeff getting some love from his precious baby boy!

libby playing outside


saturday morning we left bright and early to head to athens!  gorgeous day and so fun to spend time with jeff, helen and baby turner!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

five months old

you all know i am going to say this, but the past five months have gone by at lightening speed. i feel like it was just yesterday that i was talking (crying) talking to jessica, melissa, and helen (my three sisters) about going to the hospital and totally extremely nervous/scared and so excited.  and here we are, five months later, with a big five month old and a very well adjusted and amazing 27 month old on our hands.  

margaret has the absolute sweetest deposition.  she is the perfect addition to our family. if she's napping and her big sister wakes her up by yelling (happens ALOT) she wakes up and smiles.  if she is coughing or spitting up, she's smiling while she's doing it.  if she is hungry or tired, she cries but she smiles and sort of quivers her chin, but doesn't cry for long.  i mean, she is a perfect baby.  she goes to bed by 8 pm every night, and she is still waking up a little at night and we just nurse, rock, and she's right back to sleep.  she is currently in the swing as i type this, and libby is in her big girl bed, and i am just staring at her in amazement.  :) i love, love, love, love her. SO very much.  i don't know how it's possible to love two little creatures as much as i love my two babies, but your heart really does open up and just LOVE.  imagine God's love for all of us!  He loves all of his children with the same love i have for my two - how incredible is that!  

for margaret's five month birthday we didn't do very much.  she napped on me all day while libby was at school, and I LOVE days like that.  she just gets so cozy and comfy and i don't even move which makes her sleep so well!  after school, we picked libby up, and headed to the park to meet some of libby's friends.  mags was happy to be outside and played on a blanket while lib ran around for a few hours.  

margaret is rolling over, front to back, back to front, and very fast i might add.  she's making the motions of wanting to crawl, too, and this mommy isn't ready for that yet.  not at all!  but with libby running around, mags is bound to do things pretty quickly i imagine.  she still loves her ellie toy, just like libby did, margaret just loves to have her hands on things.  lately she's been putting everything in her mouth, and staring at her hands.  she puts her feet in her mouth and eats her toes.  we sing mary had a little lamb, Jesus loves me, itsy bitsy spider, and all sorts of songs.  she loves to sing, she loves to laugh....she makes so many noises when she sleeps too, she's our little bear.  she is teething and we can feel one coming in on the bottom.  poor baby i hope it doesn't hurt too much!

when i reflect on the past five months, it's crazy to think about how hard it is at first.  mixed with a little post partum blues, plus c-section pains and limitations as to what i could lift and how limited i was at moving/driving/walking, i look back and realize it was tough for a few months.  all night feedings, mommy couldn't drive or pick up sweet big sister, couldn't walk to the park, i look back and realize in hindsight, that that was such a fleeting moment in time.  and as hard as it was, i enjoyed every minute of it.  all the tears and sleepless nights - i wouldn't trade it for anything.  i am blessed to be a mom to my baby girls, and in five short months i feel that we are a family of four that God put me on this earth to love, nurture, and teach my baby girls all about love, and all about HIS love for us.  

happy five month birthday my sweet precious, perfect margaret virginia!  i love you and i thank you for all that you have done for our family in this short amount of time.  it is an honor to be mom to you and libby!!!!  

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

random pictures

playing at a decatur open house for featherbaby-our fave store!

fripp digging in sand

bike ride!

breakfast at the keys

before church

libby fulty and max!


home depot shopping

best part of my day

today was a fun day - a day full of libby and margaret and mama. :)

i am so thankful that i get to spend my days with my baby girls. it's so wonderful and i'm so happy because i'll never get these precious years back and i love making such wonderful memories with them!

several good moments today:

margaret LAUGHING so loudly at libby while she was jumping in her crib. it was the best sound. it even made libby crack up to hear mags laughing so hard at her!! hilarious.

going to the park and spending some time with my friends and their children, just a few of us on the blankets letting the sweet five months old interact and the bigger babies run around. :)

margaret sees libby and smiles this huge smile and grabs for her. she is in love with her. i mean, i know that they're going to be best friends someday. love it. lately libby has been taking care of margaret and paying a little more attention to her. partly because margaret is starting to do more and she's almost sitting up by herself....more on what mags is up to on tomorrow's blog post, since it'll be her five month birthday!

all in all, a wonderful day.

Fripp Island vacation

As always, click the image to enlarge.

Monday, October 11, 2010

weekend at home!

daddy with margaret after bath

happy baby playing

classmates of libby's, we all met at park sunday afternoon

always wanting to take off those shoes

her BEST friend, brooke

some of my friends holding mags

big girl panties!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Best part of my day

Today was a great day....a really good, happy and simple day!

I took Margaret to the doctor for her four month appointment. She is doing SO GREAT. 16.4 pounds and almost 26 inches. She's in the 95% for both height and weight, amazing!! I am so thankful to God for her health. The fact that I have two healthy daughters is a gift from God and I pray everyday that I will be the Godly mom that they deserve.

Ok, for the Best Part of my Day:

Libby-she put her shoes on the RIGHT feet before going to the park. She buckled herself up in her stroller. She was singing "I'm bringing home my baby bumblebee" before bed tonight, a song we have never sung together, and she sang the whole song as I had tears in my eyes because I couldn't believe it!
She is growing so much and so fast. She's a little girl now, and if I call her my baby, she says "I'm not a baby mama, I'm a big girl named Libby" - sigh, she's truly a big girl now. Love my angel bear.

Margaret - ahh, little baby Mags. At the doctor she was so brave! Besides getting a wonderful report, she was very tough and barely cried when she got her shots. Just looked at me and kind of had a look of "mom, is this ok?" in her little eyes.....then later we went to the park with Libs and she just slept in the baby bjorn while we played. She is the SWEETEST baby ever created! Laughing and smiling all the time, playing with her toes, trying to sit up by herself, rolling all over the place, just becoming a big baby girl before my eyes. I love her so much.

Both of my girls made my day today. Thank you, Lord. Your blessings never cease to amaze me.

Fripp Island

The Odegard's invited us to Fripp Island, SC for the weekend of Matt's birthday. Katie's family has an amazing home there, and we were SO excited to enjoy a weekend with them and the Striblings as well. SO much fun was had by everyone and we loved being there with our wonderful friends!

Early Friday morning, the first day we woke up at Fripp - she was SO excited!

waking up and hanging with Max on the front porch, total bliss for libby


So good, grilled shrimp, chicken, pasta salad, salad....yummmmy.

Lib & Max colored while the adults ate, it was so nice! And Luke & Margaret were already asleep. Such a fun birthday dinner for Matt!

Seriously the best cake ever. It was Publix, of course....cookies and cream ice cream cake. Wow.

Getting ready to hit the beach!

Margaret already asleep for the cake and ice cream portion of the night. And nope, nothing is wrong with Libby's nose. She just loves bandaids. It's a mild obsession!

Matt stretching for his run. oh, hello, deer.....the deer were everywhere. very friendly and we fed them all day!

Lib nervous at first, but after awhile they were like little puppies to her!

they got SO dirty! love it.

precious baby girl!

lib was over taking pics, hahaha! love my family!

max and libby solving the world's problems....

walking with my angel bear

baby girls first of MANY times at the beach!! so sweet!

little diva, we are in for it!! love my precious libby so much!

digging a hole in the sand. she had so much fun.

baby girl got so tired!

lib running on the beach, 9.25.10.

matt & damon

katie and i with our babies. luke and margaret!!! first time dipping their tiny toes in the ocean together. love it!

taking a break under the tent. love lib and max drinking their water with apple juice! rehydrating for more fun in the sun!

baby margaret in the ocean, 9.25.10.

max and libby had the BEST time playing together. good thing they get along so well!!! love these monkeys.

damon, luke, matt, margaret, tee and burns stribling. watching the dawgs play saturday night!

She is the happiest baby EVER!!! this was on the drive home sunday!

Dinner time!