About us...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

15 Weeks, 1 Day

Here are today's pics. These were taken last night while hanging out with the Libster.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Grabbing Hippo

I couldn't resist. Here are two more videos for the day. Enjoy!

15 Weeks

Here is today's video. She's starting to grab things now. In fact, now she is reaching and grabbing for some of her favorite toys. The purple elephant seen here in the video is one of her favorites.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mommy's Birthday!

It's October 16, which is Mommy's Birthday! We took these tonight before we headed to grab some mexican food for Mommy's birthday dinner. So, here goes, Happy Birthday Mommy!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Pumkpin Patch

On Sunday, we headed out to the Pumpkin Patch to get Libby's first pumkpin.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Close Ups

The following pictures were taken today while Amy and I were hanging out with the Libster. We have tons more, but these are a few that I wanted to share with the family. I have to admit, the first picture is probably my favorite. In the second picture, you can see that she is obviously a drooler (she gets that trait from me). The rest of pictures don't have a caption, so feel free to insert your own. Note: Click the images for a larger version.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Cannot believe Libby is three months old today!

Pictures to come, her professional shoot is next week. I'll post some amature shots later today!

She is doing so well! She loves her hands. She loves to eat her hands. She loves to eat. She loves to spit. She loves to spit on Mom & Dad. She loves to copy everything we do. She loves to laugh at us when we make ridiculous faces and noises at her. She loves to play in her bouncy seat. She loves to grab her birds and monkeys on the bouncy seat. She loves music. She loves to be read to. She loves it outside. She loves to walk with her Mommy every afternoon. She loves to just be loved on. Such a good baby and now we want like twenty more of her. :)

We are already in the early stages of planning her first trip to Disney. I think six months is plenty old enough!