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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Garrison Turned 22!

Baby Brother, Garrison James, turned 22 last week on SSI. Matt and I drove down from ATL that afternoon, and had a fun birthday party at Bennie's Red Barn. Had a great group of folks who came to celebrate, and we all had such a nice time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER BEAR!
And yes, I will continue to call you that even though you're 22 now!

I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday, seriously...first of all, when we found out Mom and Dad were pregnant again, Jess, Sissy and I ran away for a few minutes - all the way down tho the end of our neighborhood. Hilarious. It was just too many Spearman's to deal with. Overload. Thinking back, I can hardly believe Mom & Dad had three kids, and one on the way, by the time they were exactly my age. Wow. How did they do it?!?
Then, the day he was born -- his gender being a surprise of course, I made Dad take me to the mall for a gift. Not for the newborn, for myself. Some things have changed, some have not. :)

Garrison is an awesome young man and I'm proud to be your big(gest) sister!

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1 comment:

rinacake said...

I'm tellin' MeeMaw!