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Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!


My gift to my husband.

Hope everyone had a great V-Day! I decided to get Matt a cookie cake. You should have seen the look on the sweet lady's face at Publix when I asked her to write this. Priceless.
After a long day at work we (Matt, me and especially our unborn baby) wanted to eat some Mexican, so we went to El Torrero and ate too much, then came home & watched LOST. I have to say, that's the perfect name for that show, because that's exactly how I felt after last night's episode - lost. There are some cool blogs out there that try & decipher each episode, but lately those only confuse me more and more. It's still my favorite show, though, and Matt and I look forward to Thursday nights all week. I'm just starting to be intriqued and saddened because the Losties are all turning on each other, and they are all beginning to think life is better on the island. It's the bomb dot com show though.
So glad today is Friday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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1 comment:

Katie Odegard said...

Stop it! That is hysterical!