Libby was a big fan of the snow this weekend! She had a great time playing in it and thankfully we were able to just stay home and be together. No cabin fever, really b/c the roads were cleaned and salted and we were never really stuck there so that was nice. I love my little family more than anything in the world and I am just so thankful for the simple days we share together. I am so very blessed. Libby is the most precious child and we fall in love with her more and more every single day!! She is so funny - lately her communication skills have really blossomed. She repeats everything we say and she can respond to our questions. Matt and I both feel that we are able to talk to her and she really does understand. It's so much fun to be able to know what she's thinking and know what she wants now. Our little girl has turned into a real toddler! She speaks very clearly now with certain words (not all, of course) but she’s learning so much all the time. We are so proud of you, Elizabeth Parker Certain!
We still have not chosen a name for Libby’s sister, I think we are just going to wait until she’s born because we really can’t decide. If any family members have any name suggestions that are part of our family please email to me b/c we are definitely doing a family name. We have a few that we’re thinking about but nothing set in stone. I’ll be at the doc this week and they’re going to schedule the c-section this week so we’ll know her birthday soon! I am feeling good still – very tired and I love the weekends. I love them because I am home with Libby and Matt, which is where my heart is. I love them because I can nap with both of them, too. I am really tired in the afternoons and this work thing is not for me anymore. I am staying positive because I know this is how it is for now and I am thankful to have this job but I no longer have a passion for my career. All I care about is the safety and well being of my child, soon to be plural, and of course my husband. I long for the day when I can cook dinners and do laundry during the day and have playgroups and paint and color and read to the babies. I am just a MOM now! These are just such precious years and I am enjoying her to the fullest. She makes me laugh, her personality is so funny and quirky. Last night she literally ran in circles in the kitchen naked after her bath. For ten minutes. Then she got her purple ball and screamed, “READY” as loudly as she could so we played ball for an hour. She is so sweet, she cuddles all the time and just wants to be loved on. I don’t deserve her but I am so thankful God gave her to me! Matt and I only want the best for her and the love we have for her cannot be described! Having two is going to be so much fun – twice the love and twice the fun to be had. They will be best friends and I cannot wait to experience two little girls.
Here are some pictures for you all to enjoy. Love!
pointing and telling matt where to throw the snowball
laying in bed before school watching super why having a vanilla milk
assessing the snow situation
blurry but she was so excited about her valentines day party at school. excited, until i left her there solo. hurts my heart. uggghhh....
look daddy i have a snowball too! it was so cold!
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