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Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Friday!

August has been a really fast month - wow, it's almost September!  I can't believe it's been a year almost since we found out we were expecting our second little miracle baby.  This has been quite a year!

Updates on the girls:

Libby - speaking in sentences and understands what we're saying now, ALL the time.  We are watching everything we say. Let's just say we spell alot now. I never understood why Jen always spelled things, but now I get it.  She's doing well in school.  She still has a hard time with the nap, and she still misses "mama" alot, but overall she's thriving.  Love Friday's, for many reasons, but on Friday's we get all the projects they worked on during the week.  And I love that on Friday's they have fruit and go to the Library at the church.  So sweet.

Margaret - rolling over and laughing like a big girl!  She is just so sweet.  I don't know how else to describe her.  Very laid back, goes with the flow.  Very used to her loud big sister now!  Margaret is still sleeping like a perfect child, something I'm not used to when Lib was a baby.  :) Matt and I thought all babies stayed up til midnight.  So funny.  Margaret is also really in love with Libby.  You should see the adoration in her eyes.  Every night after dinner we play outside in the front yard. Libby plays with her soccer ball and Margaret has begun "chasing" it - which means I'm holding M and we run around chasing Libby, who in turn, falls to the ground laughing. We got our first BIG belly laugh from Margaret on August 23.  I CRIED it was so sweet!  Libby even noticed it and said, "mama sissy girl laughed" - that's what Lib calls her, Sissy Girl.

We are planning our Disney vacation for January.  That is going to be so much fun.  Matt is running in the Disney Marathon and we are going to stay for several days to enjoy the Magic Kingdom.  Yay! I am so excited it's hard to contain myself.

Tomorrow is our trip to the Aquarium.  Curious George and SuperWhy will be there! Pics shall follow tomorrow evening!  Yay! Happy Happy Friday!

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