About us...

Thursday, September 2, 2010


We took these pix with our camera phone because we accidentally left the battery at home for our camera!  Too bad, but you get the general idea!

on the way - she was really excited!

Curious George, Princess Presto, Libby, a hungry Margaret, and a very happy Libby!

Saying "Hi" to George

She loved Princess Presto the most!

WYATT, of SuperWhy!

The Stingrays and Daddy holding a very non afraid Libby

Depo the Aquarium Fish

Libby laughing, Love this profile of her little face by the water tank with the grouper

Matt took this with the camera panoramic shot. 

When Lib starts laying on the ground, it's time to go.

Fell asleep in Matt's arms walking to the car.  The sign of a great day.

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