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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


thirty five....whoa.  i'm THIRTY FIVE- HOW???!!

guess i'm in my mid 30's now, so hard to believe.  i could either be insanely freaked out OR write about 35 things i'm thankful for.  obvi, i am choosing the latter.  so i did that, wrote them all in my journal which i'll give to my darling daughters one day.  hope they understand that the main things i am forever thankful for are the two of them.  life really started for me the day i became a mom.

i also wrote a list of 35 things i want to do this year.  i won't bore you with all of those - but trust me, i am glad i have the full year to accomplish what is on my list!

my awesome husband took us all to the ritz at lake oconee for the weekend!  we had SO MUCH fun!!

here are a few pix!!

libby's best buddy brookie cookie was actually there for the entire weekend, too!  her mom's bday is three days before mine. they were THRILLED and we so enjoyed spending time with their family!!

my awesome husband!!  so blessed!

me and maesie!!


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