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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Three Days Old

Here we are on Day Three. Libby continues to grow more and more each day. We're still in the process of assigning her facial features to her parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents. It seems as though everyday we determine that her eyes come from a different family member. I think at this point, the only thing we can say is that every aspect of her is small part of all of our family members.




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josh said...

I am so enjoying watching her grow...I feel like I am there although I am on the other side of the world. With all that is going on, I do not know how you find time to update this blog, but keep it up...I am loving it! Kisses to everyone...especially Libby!!! Love ya! Kristen

Vicki and Lawrence said...

We saw her...we held her...She IS THAT Perfect and Beautiful. We wish we were still there to help, but we know she is in the best hands possible. We love the three of you very much. Vicki and Lawrence