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Monday, September 15, 2008

Two Month Doctor's Visit

Well, Libby had her two month visit today. She was in the 75th% for height, weight, and head circumference, so obviously she really is growing like a weed. Mom has done a great job feeding her everything she needs.  So, she is not only growing fast, but outgrowing where she would normally be expected to grow.

The visit went well, and we came home and filmed a few videos with the camera. Here, we are hanging out before bed. As you can see, she is now holding her head up, smiling, and tracking people really well. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Hayden said...

Amy and Matt,
Libby is SO precious! She just gets cuter and cuter with each posting! I have enjoyed reading about her progress! You three are such a cute family! I have especially liked the recent pics, Libby's eyes are gorgeous!