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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Soccer Superstar

Hello all! I'm sorry I haven't posted any pictures lately - we have been so busy!
Libby is quickly approaching her ten month birthday. I cannot believe it! She's getting so big!
Updates on what she's doing: crawling everywhere. House is childproofed but still, she manages to get into every single thing that she can! Our indoor plants have become her digging area. And she's quick, too. Turn your head for a second and she's gone! She's standing at times for a few seconds without holding onto anything. She claps - waves bye bye and for several days now has been saying "bye bye" at the appropriate times so we know she knows what she's saying. It is adorable. She doesn't say it, she pretty much screams it, BYE BYE! All the while waving fanatically. :)
She LOVES the soccer ball. Every evening we play outside with the ball and she squeals and claps and crawls around chasing it. Matt, as you can imagine, loves this. :) It's so cute!
She can also feed herself finger foods and drink her water our of a sippy cup. Watch out world!
She is eating SO MUCH these days. I make her baby food and she is loving it!
Our Little Libby is not so little anymore, and every single day gets better and better! She is an absolute joy!

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